Friday, April 1, 2011

The Magic of Moonstone

Nowadays a lot of semiprecious stones moonstone holds a special place.

Let's try to understand why it is so.

Moonstone bat a blue moon or pearl white iridescent type of potassium-sodium feldspar -. Adularia, rarely albite microcline, so typical silky soft lilac "Moon Tide (purple portion of the spectrum) because of the name, Biruni, around 1000 years ago at the time, India the" Moon Rays "name the names of other nations Gems the color spectrum and the other a little bit of feldspar (the so-called micro-pyrite) inclusions is determined by the number of size "fish. Look "used.. For example, a pearl large albite inclusions irisation, giving -. small blue iridescence of a gem crystallographic directions determines their distribution.

The only feldspar, strongly hold that place highest in the world of jewelry. Many legends and beliefs about it, not coincidentally the Chaldean and Babylonian wizards and soothsayers of a stone: divination before they used to put under the tongue, and gave it the ability to approach them. It was believed that moonstone was an opponent of the sun and the moon has a strange relationship - the cold increases and new moon shines more brightly, filling the ancient magical powers, a positive force attention to the moon.

According to European beliefs, moonstone health, wealth and longevity symbols. Hope - by India. The women's side, especially in a year when the child becomes the teenager. There is a legend in the British Isles during the moonstone oratory and persuasion of public speaking, and so lawyers and representatives used to wear ability and jewellry boxes later gave it valuable. Indians claimed that they put in a dark place a moonstone, the moisture treatment is different and can treat depression and most violent fever. An excellent preventive tool against the indifference, and unfortunately, the treatment of fever and kidney disease, inflammation and infection, vomiting, epilepsy and other nervous transient attacks, jaundice and other liver diseases, enhances memory and the lives of all kinds master life skills helps to avoid the traps and troubles. It enhances the spirit of his master, the house at the same time places (which any passenger and the so-called "stray" odd jobs for representatives insist their love of change - geologists and geophysicists, surveyors and surveyors, Geography, navigator, etc.).

Rock dreaminess, tenderness and softness, gives inner peace and tranquility (especially on moonlit nights) brings. It reduces internal stress and eliminate anger, too arrogant and inflexible people softens. The only dangerous to people suffering from a painful feeling, close, and whimsical, these negative qualities because it exacerbates. It is recommended for people with very hard, intolerant of the opinions of others trapped in silver to wear a moonstone. If you have a fruit tree does not bear fruit this gem that hung, it is believed to be fertile again. Some people consider it as the stone of mourning.

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