Monday, July 11, 2011

Why Does Your Dog Completely Ignore You Around Dogs?

Have you ever wondered what "exactly" why does my dog ​​bark, leash, lunge, growl, attack, shiver, whimper, shy away or is dying to play when he is faced with other dogs is not familiar with the pull?

Here are all the reasons:

Right time, right technology, or the right training tool that can get your dog under your control is not. If a certain tool stops working or does not seem to faze your dog anymore, try another one. Use what works!

O you ever thought your dog social with other dogs was really important or even possible. So you kept putting it off and now you finally admit that it has become a serious issue!

O Your training foundation is weak or even worse, you have no foundation. Meaning, your dog does not listen to you well in private or in your home. Why the sudden he does not know or around dogs behave like a perfect angel does not feel comfortable with?

Use your dog to be friendly around dogs Oh, but you dog activities, daily walks, etc. slacked off on being involved and now all of a sudden your dog does not know exactly how the dogs do not get it already to the behavior around.

Oh my dog, or maybe the dog spayed / neutered and they get it and are dying to prove themselves. Jealous dogs to work aggressively toward each other causes.

O you think your dog whimpers to trick you into playing that wants it all, and when you get close to other dogs, all of a sudden it charges for killing. Very sneaky!

O You try to calm him down and keep on patting your dog by saying, "Well it is okaaaaaaay. Nooooo ... seeeee .... it's a good dog." But it does not send the right message. In fact, by doing so, your dog "encouraged" to keep on acting aggressively. It might work on humans, but it never works on dogs. Then pat or massage your dog while he is constantly lunging and growling at other dogs to put on. This translates as: "Go ahead, kill them." Even if "No" in the middle of the call, you still is not being crystal clear with your message.

Your dog or misread body language of other dogs. Sometimes the owners to hold the leash tightly, this makes the big dogs, more stress, nerve, prominent and sometimes even seem a little aggressive. Often an owner notices the dog is completely relaxed, yet the owner acts scared and desperately tries to pull him closer to the dog. The long dog, the more tension out of your head and chest, the other dogs to appear with a very confrontational gesture reads. By anticipating a dogfight strap wrapped around your hand three times please.

O Your dog always lunges and attacks other dogs and do not really know how to behave. A wild, it is completely natural act like a maniac. Basically your dog is thinking, "It really does not matter if the dog is small, big, black, white, friendly or aggressive, I always lose it when I see other dogs. It's fun and I remains alive. I have that spice in me Rrrrrruf! "

O you have a poor attitude can also be biased or scared of certain breeds. And guess what?Maybe you hate certain breeds and other dogs your dog or your energy, body language, or the fact that you completely change the sense of direction, went on the other side of the road, or did your little dog, he hidden from the rest of the world.

Oh my dog ​​in my whole life and never lost a dog fight, always scare, bully and lunge at dogs and actually get away with it. Maybe he sees himself as undefeated. Other dogs, more of a challenge, a battle bigger, better pay per view.

O your dog in the past has been attacked by a dog and was badly injured as a result of losing the trust and confidence in you. You see, when you and your dog can not be protected from attack dog, your poor dog had to find a way to protect yourself. So now it is fear of a dog attack. This is why he now works hard to scare away other dogs. Can you blame him?

O Certain dogs provoke your dog more than others. See if you can find any patterns. Your dog men, women, puppies, adults, small dogs, black dogs, white dogs, floppy ears, pointy eared dogs, or even dogs that are not neutered are more aggressive toward dogs with a screwdriver. How about their owners? See if you notice any pattern with them. Some dogs love a challenge and prefer to battle the big dogs they can find. Some small dogs do not bark stands, and the fact that they are large dogs can be worse than that, and perhaps see them as Costco appetizers.

You have to give your dog walks on the trail and thought it was normal and harmless. Now your dog sees another dog in his neighborhood, he gets upset and tries to protect its territory.How dare you walk a dog in your hood!

O some or irritated by your dog, and he decided to out it on the dog. Be honest. Do not take you or your loved ones when you are not in a good mood? There you go. Have you learned from your dog!

Your dog is dying to play and interact with other dogs, but do not know how true o. You're a crazy, angry at the other dog is on leash, training equipment and in the world! It is a dog that once he manages to get loose, to lick the other dog to death is to show your affection. Most dogs when they want to play, just a leash, whimper, wag their tail happily, or maybe pull on bark and whine in excitement. Not your dog. And it's really hard to know for sure exactly what to do when he finally managed to get another dog. He is going to play or to kill? And who is brave enough to explore?

O Your dog gets aggressive only when he is leashed. This fear or other dogs could be another form of frustration trying to distance. Or your dog notices that when he acts this way, and the other dog owner walking another dog automatically pull back and not close to each other. She knows that your dog be leashed and his movements are restricted while you can not. Therefore, it is much safer to act like a maniac. Virtually every bark and growl translates: "Let me go Let me go, Mom, I can take it Let me show you what I can do to put me on the news to you ..."

Your dog as a shield "other" using dogs and / or back up and knows it gives him more power, they attack as a pack o. These dogs have a gentle walk, but never as a team.

Conclusion: One of the biggest mistakes dog owners that they automatically think that if their pooch loves some dogs, for the rest of his life is dog-friendly with all breeds of dogs. True, some will not, but most will not. Your friendly dogs, aggressive dogs, hyper dogs, small dogs, big dogs, fluffy dogs, and male or female dogs around your dog should be able to get the full attention.

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